Your honesty can affect others.

A young boy, was traveling from his village to Baghdad, one of the greatest cities of learning centers, to pursue Islamic knowledge. Before he left his home, his mother sewed some money in his vest to cover the traveling and educational expenses while abroad. He was instructed by his mother to be truthful, honest and not to lie.

During that time, traveling was done along side a caravan, which consists of a group of people. While on his journey, the caravan was attacked by a group of thieves. The people were robbed of their possessions. One of the bandits came to the young boy and asked him if he has any money. The boy replied in the affirmation and showed the money which was hidden in his vest. The thief was surprised that the boy showed the money which he would not have been able to see without the help of the boy. He was brought to the chief of the bandits and the thief explained what occurred. The chief asked the boy as to why he showed the money which would have been undetected. To his surprise the young boy told him that he was following the instructions of his mother not to lie. The chief was taken back by this comment and repented for disobeying the commandments of Allah, the Creator of the whole universe, while this little boy was being so honest. From then on, the chief was a righteous person and his followers followed his actions and they too became righteous.